Monday, 14 March 2016


We all know what Rosa Parks did and we all admire it, but, what made her do it?

Civil Rights differences and racial discrimination were the main reasons, as we gues you all know. There were huge difference among all the social classes.

 copyright: cbsnews2.cbsistatic

 In our opinion, not everybody would have done it because she faced her future. She knew that she would be taken to jail, so not everybody would accept lose part of his life to fight against majority's thoughts, she knews in advance that racists would hate her and think that what she just has done was such an unforgivable thing and people should not follow others with the same thinkings. She was taken to jail and everybody supported her wich made whis even a more polemic thing all over the world, sice black people is not just in America or Africa.


African Americans, quickly, felt the enough power to battle against these injustices and they did. They did battled and won. They could reach (not at this moment, but they could reach some of the next equialities) the possibility to vote, to go to the same bathroom, to be at the same places as white people... It can be a nonsense, but it IS NOT. It meant almost a revolution and all the people who made this possible became idols and admired people. Rose Parks, obviously, is one os them. Her constant fight made her a woman who will be in everybody's mouth.



Projected by: Javier Romero, Remigio Martín, Mariola Cadaval y Maria Perez

Sunday, 13 March 2016


The Tlatelolco movement ocurred in the place of "Las tres culturas" in Tlatelolco, Mexico. On 2 of October in 1968.

picture by:

There was a student strike demanding legal recognition for all his work. This caused a big number of people missing , wounded and dead,

picture by: lahistoriadeldia.wordpress,com
 In our opinion the student movement that wanted the recognition of the work done by students along their university years because it was the only way to get a chance of finding a job due to the lack of economic resources .
We can´t believe how bad it happened  this young people . They simply  fought for what they deserved  , for not mention the many confrontations  that had these people with their family.
We don´t know the exact number of wounded and dead people yet.
Unfortunelly , today happens more or less the same. How many people have studied for become  a doctor or a teacher and now they haven´t got money for feed their families?
However we can see corrupt politicians earnings thousands of euros a month. This give us a lot to think.

picture by:

Post by: ElenaVidal Nogales
Isabel Zamora Sánchez
Alfonso Panduro Porrua
Francisco Carrero Nogales
The March on Washington

One day of August 1963, concretely 28, thousands of American people fought fiercely to get their long yearned Civil Rights.

This huge uprising was integrated by a lot of groups, mostly by black people. Imagine that you are a black person and are going to the march. Of course, you would be around 16 maybe 17 years old. You leave your home in Arizona (a very racist state at that time), with unknown people shouting, singing, dancing and making noise, on a bus or train. We're sure that you will have arrived at Washington DC a little sick, because thinking about conditions which black people had to live, buses wouldn't be very hygienic and comfortable. So you get there and then what do you do? 

Obviously, we would have participated because we adore people who have the courage to face police, politics and the Army's power without any type of fear. If we had taken in part it, we had fought to get our freedom and rights too. Getting there, the first thing which we would have done it would be join other groups to make as much noise as possible. We've never heard any songs by Bob Dylan although we were listening “Only a Pawn in Their Game”, which is about Mississippi’s judicial racist system and it was sung on the march, and we believe that, from a musical point of view, it’s very bloody but if this worked to get Civil Right we’re not anyone to judge it. As everybody knows, Martin Luther King gave the most known speech, which is “I have a dream”. We don’t understand why it worked because if you remove the form that he pronounced, so emotional and self-confident, would it keep on being as special as we imagine?


We believe the speech '' I Have a Dream '' was a very important in the march, but, it is too long and it repeat a lot of things. When we saw it for the first time, we notice that it's very emotional and it transmits us many feelings which make us to feel in their shoes. Personally, we would have removed some parts so that it wouldn't be boring too. 

Violence in videogames

Nowadays, we can hear people who say that teenegers become dangerous and violent because of videogames. But many studies show that is a fake!

Cristopher J. Ferguson, a Florida University's professor, became studying whether games make teenagers violent in 2008 and he still do it today, he has not found anything that could blame videogames of that.
Besides, we must recognize that there are some games that are not too much educational, some examples would be "Grand Thef Auto" and "Far Cry". But no one of this games have been censored for having contents extremely dangerous and violent.

People report game's firms all days! That's is ridicolous because videogames could not be the only problem, for example, in USA police kill Afro-American people every day if they think they can do anything illegal.

TV has also a problem with violence. As you can see, every day on TV, you can watch films and other types of programmes that may be also a bad influence for young people,
Let's play safe games

Jesús V. And Ignacio F.

the ku klux klan

Ku Klux Klan is the name adopted by several right-wing organizations in America,which were created in the nineteenth century. They mainly promoted xenophobia, and the supremacy of the white race, homophobia, anti-Semitism, racism and anti-communism. Often, these organizations have resorted to terrorism, violence and intimidation as burning crosses, to oppress their victims.

In the 50's  segregation was accepted in the South. Furthermore, the "separate but equal" was only a half true. Blacks enjoyed little freedom in these times of little racial stability. In 1954, the Supreme Court of the United States outlawed racial segregation in schools, and this decision triggered a wave of protests in the south. Across southern emerged independent klanes. The ancient sacred ceremony "burning cross" became the preferred by the Klan rite to sow terror, but they also murdered and assaulted people.


 (c)                    (c)

In 1960, the Klan was born to be the longest of all, when the "Klanes States of America" association was created. Alongside the figure of Martin Luther King appears as an advocate for racial rights and, of course, was despised and convirtiose public enemy No. 1 of these people. The city of Birmingham, Alabama, became the main focus of violence, and the Klan was helped and protected by the State Police making a "blind eye" to the beatings and killings.

     (c)                            (c)

In the early 80's many Klansmen changed their robes by paramilitary uniforms, with their training camps to work out in the "shooting black", but fortunately the state intervened and could be dissolved. It was the end of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Power, but will always be there, lurking, as they always were cowards. Unable to determine the number of victims; murdered, mutilated, slaughtered, burned, threatened. the list is endless. Fanaticism is still present "below the surface" eager to jump at any time against racial equality, although they've lost the battle.

Although we believe there are currently no organizations like the KKK we're wrong , these organizations still exist and there are more than we think . In my opinion if we were all aware that racism is bad there would be a less retrograde global level that we have today.

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Post writted by: 
Carolina Bernal Marchena, Jonathan Vargas Romero, María Villareal López and MªCeleste Guillén Egea.
The Little Rock Crisis

In 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it was legal for schools to be segregated. This meant that there could be schools just for white children and schools just for black children. However, the schools for black children were always worse than the others.

Then, a lawyer called Thutgood Marshall who represented black people fought against segregation and finally he won and made segregation illegal.

But some shcools in the South didn`t allow black students like Central High School in the Little Rock, Arkansas. The plan was to integrate slowly black children but they refused.

With the help of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), nine black children managed to attend a school for whites. The nine students were Elizabeth Eckford, Minnijean Brown, Gloria Ray, Terrance Roberts, Ernest Green, Thelma Mothershed, Jefferson Thomas, Melba Patillo and Carlotta Walls. These students became known as the Little Rock Nine.

When the students arrived there were people shouting at them. They told them to go away and that they didn`t want them there. In addition to other students, there were National Guard soldiers blocking their way into the school, so the U.S Army came to protect black students.

It was a really difficult year for them, they were bullied even when they protected by the Army and only one of them got graduated.

After the first year, the Arkansas governor closed all the public high schools in Little Rock because he decided that it was better to have no school at all than to have integrated schools. When the schools reopened, many people blamed The Little Rock for causing them to miss a shcool year.

The results of the Little Rock Nine`s actions were not inmediately positive, but later this became a very important event in the history of the fight for the Civil Rights of the black people.

In our opinion everybody is equal so segregation had to end because treating black people in a different way than white people was unfair and terrible.

Black people deserve the same Civil Rights as white!

Mª Ángeles Merino
Julia Báez
Alejandro García
Diego Gutiérrez

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Impacts on the protests against the Vietnam War

Protests against the Vietnam War

There were a series of movements and civil demonstrations in various countries around the world , nothing especially the United States of America 

One of the most notable events was the lowest number of soldiers available to join the ranks of the army.

Another clearly visible effect was the increasing alignment of soldiers fighting or had fought in Vietnam with the resistance movements, while rejecting what they had done.

Denials ultimately soared to the point of giving cases such as recruitment 
center Oakland where he recruited young people from throughout Northern 
California in 1969 of the 4400 men conscripted only were presented 2000, 
less than half. In the first quarter of 1970, the Selective Service System 
could not, for the first time , cover the minimum quota set .

By: Bartolomé Peralías Valderas and Juan Fco. Fuentes Loro.

Movements against The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was a war fought between 1955 and 1975 to prevent the
reunification of Vietnam under a communist government.

Protests against the Vietnam War were a series of movements and civil demonstrations in various
 countries around the world , noting especially the United States of America   during the Vietnam War . 
The protests began in 1964 and spread at great speed throughout the United States. That was when US It was 
polarized between those who advocated continuing the war and those who wanted immediate 
peace .
There were several protests in different time periods:

- Protests 1964
- Protests 1965
- Protests 1966
- Protests 1967
- Protests 1968
- Protests 1969
- Protests 1970
- Protests 1971
- Protests 1972
- Protests 1973
- Protests 1974
- Protests 1975

One of the most important protests was the protests on 1964:
On October 15 David Miller , a Catholic worker , decided to burn his draft card instead of a speech. 
The event received tremendous publicity because it was the first book that was burned after the enactment 
of a law that summer of Congress equating the destruction of a military ID to felony not go to rows.

By: Bartolomé Peralías Valderas and Juan Fco. Fuentes Loro.

Sitting for Justice: Woolworth´s Lunch Counter

This post is dedicated to all black people who fought for equality and their rights in the 60's. Specifically, let's talk about Sitting for Justice: Woolworth´s Lunch Counter. It was a seated who staged a series of black students to demonstrate their displeasure and its disagreement concerning as he was white society to the black society. These students sat in a coffee shop, where only served to white people, and was not raised until they were served.
It seems to us to be admirable and much courage reveal himself in this way, without having to get to violence to fight for equality. But it seems shameful that they have had to reach those circumstances only to be served in a simple Café.
When everyone has the same rights, regardless of skin color or language that we speak.

Raquel Pavón Moreno
Eva Charneco Jiménez
Laura Charneco Jiménez

Social Networks, possible addiction?

 Social network's, possible addiction ?

Today people, especially teenagers for 10 to 18 years old ding to social networks so that they can become addicted to them.

Young people use to create these accounts and have a reputation. An focus both on the image and reputation of other people so much that they forget that this addiction can be harmful even for their health.
They decide not to want to learn anything new in the school and just want to leran about new technologies. They also begin to lose the desire lo leave home morder to stay connected to social networks and become people with social problems. 

And finally, another disadvantage is that with the social networks, you havent't got the sume privacity and when you share an image, that image isn't yours anymore. That image is property of all the users. 

By Eva Charneco Jiménez, Raquel Pavón Moreno and Laura Charneco Jiménez.


Vocaloid is high tech software designed for singing voice synthesis, and this software has been developed by Yamaha. Vocaloid allows those who use it to enter a melody and lyrics
for the purpose of creating a song without a singer. This singing voice synthesis is produced by using fragments of voice recorded from actual singers, in this way different voices such as Miku Hatsune and Gakupo can be created. There are numberless songs that have been uploaded to the network and these have been created by using Vocaloid. In addition there are many songs that used Vocaloid became extremely famous. CDs whit Vocaloid songs entered the top-sellers lists, became popular songs for people to sings at Karaoke, and the software and music created from it have become a music culture in itself. Besides Vocaloid has improved notably, and now it`s pretty difficult to tell the difference between a Vocaloid singer an a human beiging.

Main Characters:

Miku Hatsune


Luka Mikure


Rin and Len Kagamine



By: Carolina Bernal Marchena and Jonathan Vargas Romero
Photos of:

Sunday, 6 March 2016


There are many theories about the history of Saint Valentine.
The most famous one tells us about a Catholic mam who didn't want to refuse his religión so they killed him for being a Catholic and he became a martyr. He died on the 14th of February, that's why we celebrate this day.

  • In South America it's the day of friendship and love.
  • In Japan, girls have to give chocolate to their boyfriends and they have to reply a month later.
  • In Nordic countries the 14th of February is also the day that birds find a couple.

In our opinion, we think Saint Valentine's day it isn't a really special festivity but it's great and beautiful if you have someone who shares it with you. But you don't have to show your love only in Saint Valentine. In addition,  there's a comercial side of this celebration because people buy material things to their couples.So if you want to give a present to your couple it could be something you can make yourself.

Definitely, if you love your couple you should show it every single day.


made by : MªÁngeles Merino y Julia Báez

The famous of the month (January 2016)

Hello guys ! This section is going to change a bit.

The famous of January was Alan Rickman. Alan Rickman was a British actor who had a beautiful heart a brilliant mind, he was a talented actor in many movies from "Sense and Sensibility","Sweeney Todd", "Love Actually" or "Galaxy Quest". Most significantly,our childhood would have never been the same without his role in Harry Potter. We grew up loving him, and he will be deeply missed. He died in January with 69 years old.

The professor Snape is a serious and unfriendly man. He is the potions master. However, he loved the subject about Defense Against the Dark Arts. At the beginning Snape is a teacher who the students fear for his severity and strict classes. In fact, when Harry and Snape met they didn't like each other. Harry used to acuse Snape of attacks against Hogwarts because he say that Snape had dark secrets against them. but Snape also wanted Harry to be in trouble to push out him. But during the saga we and Harry can know the dark secrets of Snape but his most beautiful memories and actions too. If you have read the books or seen the films maybe you will know what I mean.

Snape's character is amazing with a wonderful characterization. Is one of our favourites characters
 of this saga.

Thanks to Alan Rickman for having played the role of the professor Severus Snape.

He will always remain with us.

Mercedes, MªÁngeles Vázquez y Laura García.

Saturday, 5 March 2016


Valentine's Day is a traditional festival which is celebrated on February 14th. For celebrating, all lovers spend the day together and they express their love for each other.
In this occasion, my partner and I usually spent the day together with our girlfriends.
In our opinion, Valentine's Day is a very good idea for all lovers but if you don't have a grilfriend to spend the day of San Valentines, you will be can pass this day with your friends or with your family.

Definitely, this day has become one of the best days of the year, especially for lovers!


In our opinión, photography is one of the best ways to express yourself, because you can capture a lot of memories in a picture and only in a second.

We think that it's a good way to spen your free time with friends, taking potos and saving unforgetable moments.

Each person use the camera for different uses, for example, to capture animals in action, sports, people, landscapes...


Thanks to photography we can find old memories from de past, in actuality everyone have cameras, in the mobile pone, we use to take a lot of pictures everyday.
We may be a photographer, we would like to became one, but we are not sure about it, we see it as an entertainment to spend our free time doing something interesting, which we like a lot. Our favourite types of cameras are Réflex cameras, and the best models, to we, are Canon, Nikon and Samsung. Réflex cameras have an incredible precisión on the target and they take pictures of great quality.
Project by: Elena Vidal and Isabel Zamora